If you have a Think or Swim account, you can listen/watch Peter Rezicek’s daily commentary on the markets during every day’s market hours. Here is the “path” once logged on:
“Support/Chat” (upper left to the right of “Account Info” on the TOS home page)/”Chat Room” tab/Shadow Trader/left click “Watch’ and “Listen” in the lower right hand corner.
Talyor asked that I send the first three chapters of the following excellent book on options: "Options Trading 101, from Theory to Application" by Bill Johnson of optionsatoz.com http://www.optionsatoz.com/ . Book is $19.79 at Amazon.com. The first three FREE chapters can be downloaded at:
http://www.optionsuniversity.com/Options101/Book/3FreeChapters.pdf (copy and paste if necessary)